Friday, 20 March 2015


Today has been a blessed day and not just today but the whole week, but i want to tel you specificaly about today...

This morning started with me opening my eyes after just a few  (4) hours of sleep; and feeling tired due to the lack of sleep, rushing to get done for work as i always do  i decided to make a change in my morning routine simply by starting my day on my knees, and wow does it make a big difference... 

So this morning i spend just over a minute  on my knees in prayer to give thanks and  give the day to God, there is just something about being on your knees before God and making time for Him and to be in HIs presence for just over a minute has turned my whole day around for it was filled with:
Energy & concentration to complete the task at had,
passion and happiness was never far behind and 
Gods mercy and blessings was all over me and the people i came in touch with; even the store  Criebo Design was so blessed in revenue and productivity today.

I realize that how blessed i truly am and all i did was spend  more then a minute with God so this makes me think : HOW MUCH MORE WILL HE NOT BLESS US  and FAVOR US if we spend more time with him. So 
because i was so blessed i had to bless others  and it was an amazing moment of fellowship

Gods Mercy and Favor surround me today. He is Directing my steps and making every crooked path straight. I am surrounded by His Divine Protection
— with Sizwe Mpato and Peter Murray.

Thank you guys

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